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Writer's pictureColin Newport

Friday Fireside # 16

Information for VSDCA umpires

1. Pressure Decision – Fair Catch Law 33

2. Pressure Decision – multiple/ continual appeals

3. Availability and Leaves in OfficialsHQ

4. VSDCUA End of Season dinner – 5th March

1. Pressure Decision – Fair Catch Law 33

When an appeal for caught is made, umpires must be satisfied that ALL conditions of a fair catch have been met. Some of these relating to control of the ball and ball touching the ground during the catching motion have been illuminated by highly publicised events at the national level. There, decision-making is often simplified by the availability of recorded vision of the incident.

As that level of assistance is not available to us, we must ensure that the catch is fair based entirely on our observations. But what about when we are not completely sure? We may rely on fielder’s testimony, but what about when you are unsure of that testimony, say, when a catch is taken very close to the boundary and the fielder is seen to step back just as the ball is caught?  It can be very uncomfortable for an umpire to deny a catch in those circumstances, just as it is uncomfortable to dismiss a batter when the evidence is incomplete.  What is to be done?

Suggested steps to resolve such issues: seek an opinion from the fielder, consult with your partner, and if the matter is still not resolved in your mind, go to the Umpires’ Golden Rule,


Then, having made and communicated your decision, do NOT engage with spectators, team-mates, club members, scorers etc., while the match is in progress. To borrow from Don Schlitz and Kenny Rogers, “there’ll be time enough for (discussion), when the (match) is done” – plenty of time after 5.35pm, time to move on.

PS: Got a Law query that can’t be resolved in your pre-game chat?

Call Umpires Coach Brian 'Benny' Goodman  0408 338 098 later to discuss.

You might not get him during match time, but after should work

2. Pressure Decision – multiple/ continual appeals

Bowlers, hard-working servants of the game that they are, are optimistic people who either believe the batter is out, or simply wish that she/ he was. So, it’s understandable that they will generally take every opportunity to ask the umpire, in polite terms, “How’s that?” Most of us, as umpires, understand this and we can deal with it over the course of the afternoon.

What does wear, however, is continual appealing from all parts of the ground on the slightest pretext. There’s more than one problem with allowing this behaviour to go unchecked – not only is it annoying, it works at breaking down umpires’ concentration.

Also, after a number of NOT OUT responses, should an appeal be granted by the umpire, there arises the mistaken notion that success comes from the number of appeals, not their individual worthiness.

If you can live with excessive appealing, so be it; however it is always within your authority to discuss it with the fielding captain and ask for the appeals to be reined in. A polite and quiet side bar conversation pointing out that excessive appealing is doing nothing to help the team should do the trick. If this can be addressed earlier in the day, there’s a much better chance of a smooth and enjoyable match.


3. Availability and Leaves in OfficialsHQ

It is a tremendous help if your planned absences are recorded as LEAVES in OfficialsHQ.


4. VSDCUA End of Season Dinner - 5th March

Come on men!  This is a great night for umps to chow down on a lovely dinner, partake of drinks hard and soft, hot and cold, and have great times reminiscing over the season that has been (and a few years before!)

For VSDCUA members it’s a highly subsidized cost of just $30! This include all Panel and Club umpires.

ACTION TIME:  register now and pay by 19th February. Get full details from the TeamApp News Details are also posted here on our website under 'Latest News'


It’s warming up – hydration, men.

Have a great weekend – do your best, and have fun!

Neill Murray

VSDCA Appointment Manager


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