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Writer's pictureColin Newport

Fireside Chat # 3 for Season 2023-24

Information for VSDCA Umpires

Round 2 is here...

...white cricket clothing, red cricket balls...more of that later. Before we get to it, a couple of issues arose in Round 1:

1. Appointments were late - apologies but this was pretty much beyond our control with many ground and schedule changes occurring late in the week. This week the 2nd, 3rd and 4th XI appointments were also late largely as a consequence of some teething troubles with OfficialsHQ. We are looking to become more timely with ALL XI appointments from Round 3.

2. When batters enter the protected area without reasonable cause and are cautioned, this is a first and final warning, and it applies for the duration of the team's innings. Thus, the non-striker and each incoming batter is advised. Should a further instance occur, the Penalty Runs provisions of Law 41.15.3 are activated.

3. VSDCA Umpire Match Reports and Awards (medals) voting are accessible through your appointment notice. We have changed arrangements and now ALL umpires appointed to a match will have the links to Reports and Voting attached to their appointment notices.

ONLY ONE UMPIRE IS TO SUBMIT THE REPORT AND/ OR SUBMIT VOTES. Agree with your partner as to who will do this before you leave the ground at the completion of the match.

But that's for next week - meanwhile, as the ancient Romans said "Festina lente" and focus on tomorrow and the start of play....Round 2

As we sat round the smouldering embers of the week, our fireside chat was focussed on the return to two-day cricket for VSDCA umpires.

Umpires Coach Brian Benny Goodman  mused that some umpires may need a brush-up on the applicable VSDCA Rules.

Here is a document that covers some aspects of VSDCA Rule 16 that have tricked up umpires down the years.  Read the document and Rule 16, and be prepared for our first red-ball cricket.

Have a great weekend, umpires - and don't your best, and have fun!


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